1. Introduction

As “Horus Tandem Paragliding”, we approach this issue sensitively as we attach importance to the privacy of your personal data and accept that the information you share with us is personal and confidential.

We have created this Privacy Policy (“Policy”) in order to inform our users who visit our Site about the privacy and security of the data collected through www.horusparagliding.com, the website we manage as a Company, within the scope of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“KVKK”) and secondary legislation. Your personal data will be used only to provide you with a better service within the framework of this Policy.


2. Scope of the Policy

The confidentiality and security of the data we collect during your access to our Site, which we manage as Horus Tandem Paragliding, is within the scope of this Policy. You may not use a logo, sign, etc. belonging to Horus Tandem Paragliding on a site that is not managed by Horus Tandem Paragliding. The presence of an image does not mean that this Policy applies to that site.


3. Protection of Personal Data
3.1. General Principles in Processing Personal Data

Horus Tandem Paragliding’s processing activities regarding your personal data are carried out in accordance with the general principles listed below:
Complying with the law and the rules of honesty,
Being accurate and up to date when necessary,
Processing for specific, clear and legitimate purposes,
Being related to the purpose for which they are processed, being limited and proportionate,
To be kept for the period stipulated in the relevant legislation or necessary for the purpose for which they are processed.

3.2. Purposes of Processing Personal Data and Information Text Regarding the Processing of Personal Data

We use your personal data for purposes such as providing the services requested by you, receiving your requests and communicating with you in this context. These purposes can be detailed as follows, but are not limited to:
Carrying out activities in accordance with the legislation
Carrying out commitment processes for products/services
Carrying out communication activities
Carrying out activities to ensure business continuity
Carrying out logistics activities
Execution of marketing, sales and after-sales support services
Execution of customer relationship management processes
Carrying out storage and archive activities
Execution of contract processes
Follow-up of requests / complaints
Ensuring the security of data controller operations and providing information to authorized persons, institutions and organizations

Processing of data, security, confidentiality, etc. by Horus Tandem Paragliding other than this Policy. Other policies or procedures may also be established on these matters. For this reason, we recommend that you also examine other legal texts.

To get detailed information about what type of personal data (data category) is processed and transferred by Horus Tandem Paragliding as the data controller within the scope of KVKK, for what purposes and for what legal reasons, to which parties your personal data is transferred, and what your rights are regarding your personal data, please contact KVKK. Please read the Information Text on the Processing of Personal Data, which we have prepared to inform data subjects within the framework of our activities arising from legislation and legal regulations.


4. Storage and Destruction of Personal Data

Moreover, our company has created a Storage and Destruction Policy for storing and destroying personal data. Storage and destruction of your personal data are carried out within the scope of this policy. Accordingly, if a period of time is specified for the storage of data in the KVKK or relevant laws and other relevant legislation, the data in question must be stored for at least this period.
If there is no period specified in the legislation for the retention period of the data we process, your data will be deleted, destroyed or anonymized without your request, after the 5-year statute of limitations period has passed from the end of our legal relationship, taking into account possible disputes as a requirement of the relationship between us.

If all the processing conditions for personal data have been eliminated or the storage period declared by us or determined within the scope of the legislation has expired, your data will be deleted, destroyed or anonymized ex officio on the first periodic destruction date or within 6 months at the latest. If you request the deletion of your data for a valid reason, your data will be deleted within 30 days at the latest, to the extent legally possible. If you request that your data, whose retention period is determined in the legislation, be deleted or destroyed before the stipulated periods, your request will not be fulfilled.
Data Collected Through Cookies

Cookies are small text files that are stored on the visitor’s device (e.g. computer or phone) when a website is visited and can contain data in name-value format. In this way, various information can be obtained about the device from which the website is visited and the relevant user. You can review the Cookie Policy for detailed information about the cookies used on our website.


5. Links to Third Party Websites

Our site may contain links to third party websites. In such cases, the collection, processing, sharing or transfer of data by third parties is outside our responsibility. Your use of third-party sites and your data sharing with these sites are subject to the privacy policies and terms of use on these sites and are outside the scope of this Policy. We recommend that you read the privacy policies of the websites you visit before sharing your personal data.
Horus Tandem Paragliding does not send e-mails and SMS requesting your credit card and account information or passwords. For this reason, using the Horus Tandem Paragliding name and logo you should never trust e-mails and SMS messages requesting your personal information, credit card and account information, and passwords.


6. Updating the Policy

The provisions of this Policy may be changed or renewed, in whole or in part, to become effective on the date of publication on our website.
We recommend that you check our website periodically to follow the changes in the Policy.

7. Contact Us

Your questions, reservations or complaints regarding the interpretation or implementation of this Policy:

Via e-mail to [email protected]

Or by sending to Kızlar Pınarı, One Love Reggae Bar yanı, Yeniacun Sk., 07400 Alanya/Antalya